Monday, June 22, 2009


Not sure how interesting this post will be, but I haven't written in awhile, so I figured I had better get to writing. My hope is that I write on a fairly regular basis while I am in South Korea. At LEAST once a week, but who knows, maybe it will turn into more.

Yes, I am just plain ready to go to South Korea. I am needing a change so badly right now. However, I don't want to get into all that, I want to talk about my best friend who is a new, first-time father.

I got to call him yesterday on Father's Day and wich him his very first Happy Father's Day wish ever. I really am so very happy for him and his wife and their whole family. Little Elizabeth Rose was born a month early, but she and Mom are doing great. I am so happy and proud of my friend. He is a good man, maybe one of the best I have known in my life. He is kind and funny and sweet and smart and just plain great. So very glad that he and I have been able to be friends since third grade. I am very sorry that I will not be around for the first year of this baby's life, but I am really excited to be called Uncle Todd already. Thanks.

Because I am very excited to see him, his wife, and their new baby, I decided to leave work early. My last day will be July 31st, then I will do a Fringe show (and sleep on some people's couches) and then go home to Iowa. During this time I hope to be able to do some part time work or some manual labor at my sister's house so I can travel and visit my friends down there before leaving on the big adventure. I fly out on the 25th and then start up on the 28th with training. I am trying to think ahead as far as sleeping on the plane and adjusting that way so the jetlag won't be horrible. Perhaps I will try to stay up all night or something so I can sleep on the plane when it would be night time in South Korea. Any suggestions are welcome. I am sure I will feel it no matter what.

Well, back to the work I suppose. I hope this post finds all of you well and happy.
