Well, it has been decided that I will need a computer when I go overseas to South Korea. I will use this computer ot keep in touch with friends and family. My mom was excited to learn that we could talk on the internet via Skype, which I have never used. The laptop I have choosen is this one:
I like the way it looks, I like the specs on it (thanks Blue and Andrew), and it will do the things I need it to do. It comes with a web cam in it, so if my mom ever wants to see me while we are talking, she can. I don't know if my mom has figured this out or not, but the time difference is pretty hefty. Oh well, it will work out. Also, they will have to go over to my sister's house to use the internet and the computer because my folks have neither of those things. It will feel weird buying a laptop because I have always thought that people who own laptops are super cool. I am not super cool.
See? However, I am pretty excited to play some City of Heroes on this machine. I mean, it won't be the greatest ever, but it will be much better than the computer I am borrowing from my room mates all the time. There are a lot of complaints about the set up, but hey...at least I get to play once in awhile. Now I have to decide if I want to get Champions Online for PC or Xbox 360. The release date for PC is July 14th and there isn't one for the 360 yet. We will see what I feel like after I get the laptop.
In other news, I plan on writing down some things about my adventures with scoot'n. I plan on telling the origin of the scooter's name (Jane) and some stories surrounding that all, some things I see (I have already seen a pickup truck and a giant Daffy Duck statue in the back), and various other little tid-bits. Hopefully some of those stories will make it onto this blog. Also, I plan on posting more pictures on here because I got a digital camera in preparation for my overseas adventures! I was pretty excited to find one for a very reasonable price (thanks Andrew...again) AND I got to use a gift card that I got in the mail for helping out a friend (thanks B-Diddy).
That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading. Have a fun day.
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