Friday, November 7, 2008

I have to pee.

So this will be short.

Tonight I have an improv show. For those of you reading this blog and you doing the blog challenge...come and check it out. Even if you live...not here. Just hope on a jet and get here. If you can't come this Friday then you will have to be here in February because I think you would like to see some funny things on a coffeehouse.

I haven't had much time today to do anything fun, which is odd because usually I do have too much time.

For example, the last two days I have been keeping track of the amount of time I spend doing NOTHING at work. The 1st day it was 6 hours 10 minutes. The second day it was 6 hours even. Can someone please help me with getting a new job? Seriously, I am an excellent worker!

Take care.

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