Thursday, November 6, 2008


I think everyone can be stubborn from time to time. I have tried to reduce the amount of time that I spend clashing with people just because. I really think that is the right thing to do. It makes our lives less stressful and I just might learn something if I just listen to someone instead of sticking to my guns just because I think my guns are shinier than yours.

This stubbornness is one of the reasons why I just don't understand the folks who lost this election. Didn't you listen to your candidates somewhat, at times, gracious speech? He admitted it. He lost. However, he didn't just admit he lost, he commented on how we need to rally AROUND our new president elect. Remember that? Remember how he said that? If not, go back and watch it again, cause he did. My advice to you: "Stop being so petty". You are gonna be with this president for awhile, at least four years if junior high social studies serves me correctly. And really, is there something that is REALLY bothering you about this guy? Are you pissed because you may have to pay more taxes? You know what, if it is going to make life better in the long run, I will pay more taxes. Yes, I do agree that a lot of money spent by the government is poorly used (see my previous post, Stimulate This) but that doesn't mean I don't think that some of it isn't used for good things. Anyway, back to what I was saying. I am tired ALREADY of these sore losers. Stop all this negativity. Stop it. Just stop it. Can't we be happy for once? Just take comfort in the fact that both candidates could form a sentence (some better than others). When it comes down to it, did you REALLY want to elect another incompetent person even CLOSE to the presidency, someone who would take over if the president should fall ill, someone who would stand directly beside each presidential decision? Really? Did you not listen to the debates? Did she even form a sentence, answer a question, or do/say anything she hadn't rehearsed for hours in front of a mirror?

I will say that I would have a bit disappointed had the election gone the other way because of that particular individual...not necessarily the candidate himself. However, I know that I am not stubborn enough to not support him, wish him the best, and pray for strength for him because he is the leader of our country.

For those folks acting like a five year old who isn't getting that Go-Bot that they really want...I will give you a few weeks...three at the most...but then I expect you to stand up beside your president elect, the United (UNITED) States of America, and the world to support the decision that has been made.

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