Thursday, November 13, 2008

What just happened?

I just went out to my car for lunch because I firmly believe it is important to get away from the workplace on your breaks. I finished a comic I needed to read by tomorrow so that I can return it to the library and had set my alarm on the phone so I would know when I was done with my break. I suddenly found myself curled up, reclined in my front seat.

I slept. Hard. When I woke up I felt like it was 6:45pm. I was out of it. I had no idea how long I had been out, where I was, what I needed to do...just that I wanted to go back to sleep till tomorrow.

It was not 6:45pm. It was 1:45pm and time for me to go back inside to sit here and stare at a computer screen, do nothing, and try and figure out what happened to me in the last 45 minutes.

The most bizarre sleep-related experience I have had (and I have had a lot since I used to sleep walk and talk a LOT) happened while I was living at home still. I was woken up by my mother asking me what I was doing. I answered, "Taking a shower", a little annoyed and surprised that she didn't know. At that point she asked me why I was taking a shower at 2:30am. I had walked to the shower, started it, gotten in and showered...all while being asleep. Had she not woken me up I probably would have gotten completely ready for the morning before realizing what time it was....and still being asleep.

Weird sleep stories anyone?


Kyle Mulford said...

I'm sure I have plenty of stories because I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid. Sadly, I can't relay any of these stories to you because I was asleep, so I don't remember them. ;)

(I did crack my collar bone falling down the stairs....that story kinda rolled over from sleep time to awake time)

Au said...

I sleep rather uneventfully, though I did grind my teeth as a kid. However, I am prone to fall asleep when I really don't want to. In class? Zzzz. Watching a really good movie? Zzzz. Reading an engrossing book? Zzzz.

It's partially mild sleep deprivation from working too late/schooling to early, but I'm also just a really sleepy person.